Movella: SmartDelta opens up the market with the 2nd generation SmartPano.
Mobile mapping is big business. Amongst other, the automotive industry relies on continually updated visual and geospatial data to enable consumer-friendly features such as satellite navigation and location-aware speed limit information. New driving assistance and automated driving functions require even more detailed data about roads and traffic. Search and mapping services for computers and mobile […]
SmartDelta and Mosaic – Geospatial Imaging Leaders
SmartDelta and Mosaic – Geospatial Imaging Leaders testing out a multi-sensor mobile mapping system including the Mosaic X camera, LiDAR, high-precision GNSS, and thermal camera, all collected with the Smart Delta mobile mapping software which enables users to pair high quality imagery with other high-end sensors according to their needs. and
SmartDelta released it’s new website
SmartDelta released their brand new website! in the Self Support section you can find lots of useful info and sample data. check it out on
SmartDelta sold its first mobile mapping vehicle
SmartDelta has sold its first mobile mapping vehicle based on the MMR software. The MMR software provides open data that can be directly used in all kinds of external applications. It supports #camera #GPS, Lidar, GPR and Profilers. All in all, it is the perfect solution for data recovery projects.
Road Inspection 2.0 Dutch national highway
Receives subsidy for the following activity(s): The road network is critical to economies. Despite the introduction of road inspection vehicles, maintenance and inspection of the Dutch national highway network of 5357 kilometers alone is an enormously time-consuming task. The current road inspection equipment focuses mainly on inspection of the road surface quality and is stored […]